Enjoy delicious vegetable nutrition with this delightful recipe that features sliced fresh vegetables served with a tasty dip made from V8 V-Fusion Strawberry Banana, grated fresh ginge...
Stir the mayonnaise, sour cream, juice and ginger root in a medium bowl. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for 1 hour or until ready to serve. Serve with the vegetables.
1 cup fat free mayonnaise1 cup nonfat sour cream0.5 cup V8 V-Fusion® Strawberry BananaJuice2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger root4 cups fresh cut up vegetables (broccoli, celery, peppers, carrots)(baby carrots, sliced red peppers, sliced cucumbers)
The secret to these extra-creamy scrambled...
What could be easier--wrap strips of puff ...
Looking for a deliciously different side d...
Using cream of celery soup adds great flav...